There is so much magic in the world.
(Magic: e.g. – a heart full of joy, wonder, curiosity)
Sometimes we have forgotten how to find it. Sometimes we don’t know where to start looking.
Sometimes it evades us when we think we are so close.
Sometimes we feel like just giving up because we feel our magic moments have passed by, never to be seen again.
Sometimes hiding away like a hermit can feel safest, secluding ourselves away from the harshness of reality.
Magic and beauty seen and felt through the eyes of the soul may be evasive, it may not always be controllable, or able to be managed logically.
It’s hard to define what it is at times – and what it actually isn’t, but when we have it, we feel vibrant and truly alive.
I guess it’s a little different for us all.
I am all of the above at times. Struggling often, perplexed, and sometimes tuned out to my heart’s true desires.
On a quest to connect with the electric passion of aliveness, as I’m sure most of us – if not all of us are.
Sadness, the mundane and the ordinary are part of our every day – and in my idealism, I do not like this – but it’s life, and I’m learning to accept that just because every single moment doesn’t feel magical, doesn’t mean the ordinary cannot be wonderful too.
I think the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to invest our time and submerge ourselves in the company and activities we wish to manifest- plant and water the seeds, then let them flourish as they will.
When there is magic and when there is not, all is still well, perfectly imperfect.
The magic may be fleeting at times, just a glimpse here and there, but without it, life is not truly ‘life.’
I need to do this more. I encourage it for you too – if you have lost touch with your own magic.
You are worth it. I am too – even though I struggle to believe it at times.
Peace and love to us all, and to the world. 💗
Rach Vivienne 🍒🍎