The day is young, but the world is old.
And I am young in spirit, yet an old soul…
Endlessly curious and enchanted, but yearning for wisdom and insight,
I search, and I discover new landscapes, within and outside of myself.
They broaden my horizons, bringing wonder and awe…
Like a clock that ticks continually, I feel restless.
I want to break free – live outside the grid,
roam with the wind, the trees and the sea.
But like a ticking clock, I also feel content,
happy to just be, right here, in this very moment,
cherishing the diverse fortune that life gives,
open and inviting to its lessons and bountiful, beautiful rewards.
It’s a glorious balancing act, like a fine wine,
the sweet, the sour and the bitter, all contribute,
to make a rich, complex, heady and hearty existence.