
Different flavours, different days…

Today is not like yesterday or tomorrow. It’s a flavour of its own. Unique as every sunset, glorious in its own way. 

Return to your soul and see that it is multi-faceted and beautiful. 

Cherish its uniqueness, and never feel the need to try and be like everyone else, because most people are trying to be common, trying to fit in, trying to avoid rejection, and as a result they lose themselves and their authentic essence. 

Don’t live life trying to please others. 

Be open and courageous enough to do at least one audacious thing per day- no matter how big or small, because it will help the unfamiliar feel familiar enough to be willing to take a risk.

Life without risks is dead machinery. You must step out of the lines to truly experience life. 

It might be as small as dressing in a certain way that makes you feel like YOU, even if it makes you stand out, or doing some kind of self-expression, joining a class or going to an event, giving something a go, using your voice to stand up for something, engaging with others in a way that brings some electricity or leaves an impression. 

Just don’t be stagnant, keep going, keep flowing, keep following your heart and soul, and don’t let your ego run the show of your life, but rather your spirit, because your spirit is the life force energy within you. 

Don’t look to surround yourself with superiority at the expense of connecting with what and who you already have, because that’s an endless chase that will limit you and keep you small and disconnected. 

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