We are ALL deserving of living our most satisfying and fulfilling lives. We ALL deserve this as equally as anybody else.
We only have stories running through our minds, emotions and bodies, that tell us we are not, the perpetual story we tell ourselves is the one we end up living – even if the story itself is a big fat lie.
We tell ourselves we are bad, for doing this, for not doing that, for treating someone someway, or not appreciating something when we had the chance.
We say… I’m bad and unworthy, and the proof is in what I have or haven’t done. Look, there’s the evidence that I’m not deserving.
As a form of self-punishment, we keep ourselves tied to that belief, and it plays out in the way we treat ourselves and/or allow others to treat us.
It could be that we allow ourselves to become a punching bag, a victim, a people pleaser, a doormat, or a ‘nice’ person.
It could be that we become a bully, a controller, or super judgemental to others (the way we are to ourselves).
Either way, we are withholding and blocking our own life flow. We are blocking the love that is our true nature.
Love that forgives, love that sees us, and therefore sees others through that same lense of love.
Love builds up and knows itself and accepts its mistakes, knowing that perfection doesn’t exist.
It works with life and the lessons it gives, and is open and receptive to learning from them.
This is what progress means, and progress is simply moving forward and up.
Deservabilty is not about perfection, never making a mistake, knowing exactly what to say or do, how to behave or respond to every situation we encounter.
If that were the case, we would need to be all-knowing, have pure wisdom, and have absolute love – essentially we would have to be God-like perfection, and it is the fact we are NOT this, that makes us human.
We are growing, evolving, transforming and continually being refined – but only as much as we allow that for ourselves.
When we buy into the lies others and society have told us, or we have told ourselves, and have come to believe, we are cutting ourselves off from our life force, our very source of life.
We MUST learn to forgive ourselves – daily.
It doesn’t mean we don’t ever feel guilt or shame or remorse or regret, these are emotions that we will feel when we’re out of alignment with our path – or our connection to love, and these emotions need to be experienced and expressed, and in some cases explored or even explained to be understood.
But we must realize that emotions are merely information to guide us back into the path for us, back into our own lane, to our individual journey through this life.
Endless rumination, self-punishment, allowing ourselves to be abused – either by others or ourselves, denying ourselves the opportunity, right and freedom to experience our one short life with as much joy, beauty, satisfaction, peace and fulfillment as possible – is just a huge, misguided oxymoron – we are constantly trying to atone for our perceived shortcomings, flaws and failures, and somehow we think, if we just punish ourselves enough, we’ll learn from the punishment, and finally feel like we are deserving of some relief from the endless suffering and misery and misfortune we’ve been enduring, holding onto that like it’s some kind of trophy to show the world – look how hard I’ve tried to prove to you that I have punished myself in order for you to accept me and show me some grace, compassion, acceptance and love, and to feel like you’ve EARNED all of that from your own self loathing- which has come from the stories you have told yourself over and over again, to the point that you’ve identified them as being WHO you are!
The stories are not you. Emotions are not you. Experiences are not you. Mistakes are not you.
Thoughts are not you.
Memories are not you.
You are the one experiencing these things as an observer, as a student learning and growing. Just like a child learning how to spell or do maths. You stuff up and get it wrong, but you learn from it.
You are so worthy and deserving of living a life of absolute joy, freedom, truth, honesty, acceptance of yourself and others – and loving yourself, setting yourself free, and allowing life force to flow in and through you as easily and naturally as breathing is and should be.