
Learning Self-Acceptance…..

Sometimes the hard times get to us really badly – and we end up lashing out at those who don’t deserve to cop our bad attitudes – it can manifest explosively – or passively.

How do we find the middle ground – and release our pent-up emotions, while not harming a soul?

How do we be honest and direct, but still gentle and kind? The feeling of harming someone else – especially someone we truly love is horrible, and not much can be said or done once the volcano has exploded…

Only – “I’m sorry,” or “ I apologize, I won’t do it again.” 

– But is it enough?

I guess it all serves as a reminder that we are indeed, all human and capable of human follies.

Yin and yang truly do exist – we are all capable of evil, corruption, and cruelty. 

It’s sad to admit – but it’s true. 

We can only take our mistakes and view them through the lens of reality, that is – we are no better or worse than anyone else. 

Our own mistakes can help us learn and grow – to forgive those who have wronged us – giving us a chance to realize that they too are only human beings having a weak moment, just like us, maybe feeling insecure, jealous or sad.

We can use our own experiences to release the pain others have inflicted on us – finally understanding that they were not a terrible person – they simply had issues of their own that needed healing, but were not yet dealt with when you were in their line of fire. 

Forgive. Release. Bless. (This does not mean condone).

And do all the same things for yourself too. 

Always choose kindness. 

Choose forgiveness and compassion, but also understand that holding onto unforgiveness is not a crime. It’s simply a process, and it’s better to be able to acknowledge the truth of what is than to beat yourself up or think you are a bad person for feeling what you feel… you are not bad, just human, with a broad spectrum of emotions and experiences, some of which still need healing.

Love and accept those parts of yourself even more, they require your support.

We are all the same fundamentally. 

Some have had it better, and some worse, but everyone deserves love, no matter who they are or what they’ve done.

Don’t be a hypocrite – realize that what we judge in ourselves we often project onto others as having or being those very things.

Be willing to forgive, set ourselves free, and move forward unshackled like water off a duck’s back. 

We are human, and mistakes are made, but it’s not the end of the world, we don’t need to let one person’s words hold us back from achieving our dreams, even if that person is us.

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