
Take a Broad Perspective…

As if standing, gazing into a crystal ball, taking a broad perspective of time and a sense of reality – though maybe filtered through the lens of a rose – is life a charade?

A cascading shadow ever changing with the sun?

Inconsistent, like quicksand, luring one with holy-looking fire – burning in a tree – yet not burning, but simply an illusion to hypnotize and entrance – while feeding folly and fallacies to its unsuspecting victims – glazed eyes, fake smiles, and a cold, dead heart…

A screwed soul, painted black, what was once pure white, now sabotaged with its own self-interest. 

A lost connection to source that once blazed brilliantly as a diamond in the rough – now hidden from plain sight – the evil lurks behind and within, and lurches its true colour when squeezed tight enough – to bring forth bile, so bitter and toxic – it could kill an army – and break down a wall…

This substance of malice – that is all around in the form of invisibility – yet with claws clenched and malevolent – disarrayed visions of misfortune – among perceived ashes on a wilderness of blooming pink roses, sweet in perfume but snowed under as a veil of gluttony dwells just within reach, drenched by societies voluptuous promises – yet delivering weakly to those who surrender to its trance…

Seek true beauty my soul, true peace, true deliverance, and allow the ice on your aura to melt away, and a spring to come forth like a wild garden of colour and grandeur – let truth and altruism be your guide – live by wisdoms direction – not the deceitful cunningness of self-indulgence. 

Disconnect from need, surrender to your true self and live every breath like it’s a million pounds worth of daylight in hell – discover what your true heart is masking – for it is beauty beyond your wildest dreams.

What is real? 

All that is real is the choice we make right now – however they’re made, to whom, and wherever may be irrelevant if indeed we are in a matrix anyway, a computer game of fake reality, and locked in a cloud of delusion. 

But it’s where we reside, at least in this moment we call life.

The glory of a moment of pretentiousness is all in vain in the absence of authentic personal power, and a self-love that can’t help itself but radiate outside – illuminating everything it comes into contact with. 

With delight, a gentle yet fierce mist of tranquillity emanates, that brings healing and wholeness to one and all holistically.

Connect organically! Now in this precious, fleeting moment – for it will never, ever come again – not this one, so enjoy its magic and uniqueness, its serenity, its fun, its beauty, the true connection with another soul, and do not be bound by obligation and soul-stealing life that seeks to destroy your life and your destiny – which is truly awaiting for your arrival, and hoping you will see the potential you have within you – in all the universe you are an individual unique being – beyond comparison to any other. 

Be willing to be open, to change, to evolve, to expand and burst your skin, to reveal the butterfly you can become… The choice is yours

And mine alone… 

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