Connection to intuition leads us if we listen.
My love comes from within me, not from the enigmatic rainbow of your lust-fueled selfish love, that evades me and poisons my direction.
The path that winds is the path I take, treacherous and frail, like a delicate capillary, off the beaten track, but my calling is not to be like you, like everyone else.
I am me, I am free, and I don’t want to be like you anyway, like f***, I am me, and you are you, and we can only be ourselves because that’s who we are, and it’s ok to be ourselves because we’re f***ing worth it.
The universe created us perfect in our imperfection.
It gives us a wonkiness that is quirky and lovable, and we can learn to love it too…
Self-acceptance baby… do it.
And I mean, truly – f*** society’s shallow, unhealthy, twisted and deformed standards of what you should be to be enough – decapitate the notion that who you are is flawed, because we are all flawed together and that is exactly why we can grow and evolve, because there is room to do that, life is for change and evolution!!
Just. F***ing. Be. Yourself.
You don’t know who that is?
Today – just do your best.
That’s all.
Tomorrow do your best.
Do things to make you feel alive and expand and ignite your potential – which has always been there and always will be…
Maybe there is a thick layer of dust preventing you from remembering that…. but it’s truly there, right within you.
Passion is powerful. Wisdom is too. We need them both, working in synchronization.
Be at peace today.
Love your soul.
Be bold and brave.
Be ready to fight for your truth.
Use your sword to cut down lies that deceive you.
You are an entity worth the fight, but it starts with you.
I love you