(a conversation between spirit and soul)
Spirit within,
There is so much within me that I don’t understand. A deep reservoir of questions that just keep on coming…
Who am I and why do I do the things I do? What is my purpose here on earth – my dharma? How much is about finding myself vs creating myself?
Life is both fascinating and perplexing. I feel I am a conundrum to myself. Why do I so desperately feel the need to know everything all at once? I know, ironically, that I really don’t need to know it all.
Dear beautiful one,
Yes, life may feel overwhelming at times. Know that there is a lifetime to learn these truths and answers – but you don’t need to know them all. Rest assured, you don’t need to have all the answers. There is no rush either, not in the realm of the soul. And your soul is on its own unique journey, different from anybody else’s, just as everyone else has an individual journey too.
All of the man-made constructs, tangible or intangible, don’t have anything to do with your true essence. They can neither add nor subtract from who you are, because you are already complete, you are already enough. You don’t need to know it all, you just need to trust yourself and trust your heart, that it will guide you along the path of life.
Allow yourself to experience the moments with presence, acceptance, gratitude and reverence. You cannot stop time from passing, so instead, find the stillness and the beauty that is within it. See the treasure in the chaos, knowing they can be found. The journey of finding them is one that builds resilience and strength as nothing else can.
Spirit within,
The things you know and understand of who I am and how I work would startle me I’m sure. I must surely make you laugh sometimes… There are so many layers and perspectives. I’m such a fluid being, and yet, in all of it, I’m still me. So, what would bring me the most satisfaction and deep joy in life? And how do I find it and be it and do it? Maybe it’s not a ‘thing’ as much as an essence, vibe or elusive quality that cannot be defined but is nonetheless captivating and powerful, but still, I ask – how do I develop it? Receive it? And most of all, embody it?
Dear beautiful one,
There is freedom in letting go of needing to be someone important in this world and cherishing the fact that just being is enough. Blending into the crowd with privacy can be more of a luxury than you might realize.
Understand that really living is indeed learning to appreciate the mundane and ordinary, as well as the power of creating. And creating can be within the ordinary and mundane- to make you extraordinary, yet still understated and unknown on a large scale.
To live with peace and freedom can be enough.