Forge your own way… Create your own path…
Beautiful soul, express yourself with PASSION!! You are not lost, there are just a lot of visitors you do not recognize all around you, but you are still you, and there is still so much for you to learn and experience. Your soul and person are AMAZING! BREATHTAKING! PURE MAGIC!!!
Never let the fears of this world overwhelm you, you were not born to be a slave, but to fight, conquer, win, grow and experience incredible joy!!
Remember where you have come from, you are not simply a cookie churned out of a machine in a factory somewhere in no man’s land, you are a soul entity, a living breath, part of the energy that is life.
Don’t live like you’re dead already, there are enough zombies in this world already. You must find the thread of life, no matter how hard it seems. Grab on with both hands and don’t let go.
Close your eyes if you need to and go with the flow.
Follow your bliss, don’t underestimate the power of its lead, and learn – if NOTHING else – to trust your heart. Take those steps of blind faith if you need to, if there is a pull calling you to do so, don’t deny it! It is there calling you for a reason, heed its call, and learn to trust its lead.
Let go of the familiar, embrace the unknown like never before, and jump into the volcano of the unknown – it may be very different from what you expected – and whether for good or for bad, the experience will help you grow and expand in a way even money can never buy.
Dear one, be open and ready to accept change. Breathe deeply into all that fear you feel, the tightness wrapping itself in and around your chest… It’s a façade, but a façade that truly has the capacity to imprison you in its clutches of the darkness of your mind if you listen to its lullaby of lies – just like the Sirens with their sweet voices that only want to draw you in and kill you, you must see this for what it is.
The deep motivation to feel safe is a deceptive lullaby, and while its intentions may not be malicious, its only goal is to stay small and avoid conflict and all pain at any cost, because it only wants to remain comfortable. It is very inward-focused and will not move you to step outside your comfort zone.
You have the choice to follow its lead as many do, that is your choice, and it is not a sin, but it will not serve your highest potential. When you find yourself wanting more – that is your deepest desire screaming out to be seen, taken seriously and actualized!!!!
Never feel like what you want is too much – because you are made of the same substance as stars.
Would you ever demand the stars to stop shining – or accuse them of being full of themselves? No. Never. We revel in their exquisite beauty and are mesmerized and made more alive for appreciating the gift they give us … and the sun, the moon, the trees and flowers and all of nature in its glorious beauty radiates with the songs of themselves.
You too, precious human, are of eternal value and are held in the arms of the cosmos, ready to be continually moulded into a MASTERPEICE beyond your imagination. Breathe. Let Go. Love yourself and others. Embrace life. LIVE.
– Rach Vivienne