
Let Perfection… go…

Let Perfection…. Go…

Let go of the rigidity of perfectionism, because it’s a trap! One that will only steal peace and joy from your life!!!

If you have exceedingly high expectations for yourself and feel unwilling to compromise because you feel that would be ‘lowering’ your standards, yet you are constantly not achieving anything of value as a result, because it’s perfect in your eyes, you may as well not bother at all.

Still though, you are increasingly and constantly frustrated at yourself for not achieving anything worthwhile, and this, in turn, is causing anxiety and/or depression. Suppose you’re feeling a sense of worthlessness and despair because of it. In that case, you need to recognize this as a self-sabotaging cycle of destruction, that will never be defeated, as long as you cling to your unrelenting standards of unreasonable perfectionism.

Nobody successful has never failed. On the contrary, there is a concept of failing forwards, and this is about not only embracing failure, but accepting it as a part of the journey towards success.

Another self-reflective question to consider is, what does success look and feel like to you? What truly makes you happy and fulfilled? What are some of the memories you have that make you want to relive them purely because of the joy they give you when you think of them? What were you doing? Where were you? And who was with you – if anybody? What is it about these moments that make them so special? How can you create more of that?

Realize and acknowledge the existence of perfectionism when it subtly creeps in – sometimes so sneakily undetected until it’s doing its sabotaging work to distract from what really matters and is truly valuable.

Do you think it’s a friend? Well, think again, because it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t be fooled by its apparent gracefulness and sense of importance – that’s just a facade to lure you in by keeping you in a cycle of feeling superior and inferior at the same time. It’s being trapped in your ego – which is fear, rather than your higher self, which stems from love for self and others, connection, equality and fairness, kindness and acceptance.

Choose to let it go, and just go with your flow. If you feel like you don’t know where to begin, just start with something tiny. Feed that seed within. You don’t need to overfeed it. You don’t need to blast it with rain. Just care for it. It may be small and fragile, so nurture it. And let that little seed germinate, take root, and then push up through the surface, at its own time and pace. Praise and celebrate it every step of the way, and every day.

Life flow pulsates with a prana life glow – that’s when you know, that you’re in the flow.

Stop worrying about the opinions of others, and just enjoy life for all it is and has to give… All the glorious rich experiences that can be enjoyed – purely and simply for pleasure alone sometimes.

Follow the wisdom of your sacred intuition, otherwise known as your inner wisdom or inner guidance. Find the balance between pleasure and discipline. The balance between the now, and the future – now is all we have, but how we choose the spend our time now is creating our future.

Somehow, sometimes, the folly of being anal and uptight can slink in – now and then, from time to time. It happens, and it’s ok. Just re-adjust and let go again.

Break free from the fruitless constraints of perfectionism’s grasp, and be like a bird, freely going and doing whatever its heart desires… Otherwise, the grand and amazing experiences that can make life dynamic and beautiful, will be futile and lost… and for what?

Don’t live to regret this one life you get to live.

Breathe in, breathe out, let go, and let yourself beautifully and graciously live.

Peace <3

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