
New Beginnings…

New beginnings of beauty and pure bliss await, as I tend to my deepest soul with reverence and self-acceptance of who I am, and the affirmation that I am safe and encouraged to be her. I am loved, – more than I ever knew – and I am enough!

Old beliefs are washing away, moment by moment, day by day, as fresh waves of revelation permeate my inner being, with restoration and teachings of truth and devotion to a beautiful, fulfilled life.

I’m learning to create the world I desire around me, by lovingly nurturing and embracing presence and growth, fuelling it with passion and supporting it with elevated beliefs from my inner intuitive wisdom, that over time, becomes my subconscious thoughts, and therefore my very being, as I allow it to unfold organically.

Opening the doorway, to my truest dreams and desires, clinging on with trust and faith, unearthing memories buried long ago, of what dreams I even had or now have, they rise to the surface in feelings and images – sometimes only granting me a glimpse or a glance to the possibilities of what they may hold for me.

Life is light and dark, sometimes ease and sometimes struggle, so I resign to take the good with the seemingly bad, believing that life is supporting me, loving me, and leading me through it all, to my highest good, as I surrender, surrender, and surrender…

I go with the flow of life, even though trepidation feels close at every turn, I cling to hope, as it gives me strength, and takes me to where I need to be, intrinsically and externally, to learn the things I need to, for my expansion and growth from a caterpillar to an exquisite butterfly, fluttering with life and exuberance.

Embracing the known and unknown to my human mind, dwelling in the knowledge I am safe and guided on my journey of a thousand miles, I am going in the right direction.

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