Enraptured by the omnipresent oneness of the Universe,
Mother Nature in all her grandiosity,
She has a way about her, her nurture runs deep and true.
In your time of grief, the waterfall cleanses,
soothing and holding your pain,
it releases the built-up sadness and loss…
Powerful ~ the emotion it stirs…
taking you along with it,
to the very depths of your soul.
It stirs up memories – circling
from bliss to pain, happiness to sorrow,
back and forth, in a lateral fusion.
It reminds you of the wonderful life you lived,
full of love, wonder, joy –
then the pain of your loss, and back again…
It makes you want to cry a waterfall of tears
in harmony and vibration of the powerful water-falling,
from high above – crashing to earth…
Where do the tears go?
They disperse – taking your grief with them,
even though they seem to be endless,
leaving a space for you to heal and grow…
with a fresh view, of a new horizon…