
Take a Broad Perspective…

As if standing, gazing into a crystal ball, taking a broad perspective of time and a sense of reality – though maybe filtered through the lens of a rose – is life a charade? A cascading shadow ever changing with the sun? Inconsistent, like quicksand, luring one with holy-looking fire – burning in a tree …


My soul, an Ocean

I just wanna dive off the highest mountain, into the deepest blue sea, gain some understanding, stop questioning me! Take me higher, let me fly, take me deeper, broaden my mind! Let me explore with freedom, – open its many doors, and not waste away like an apple core… Life can be cruel, but it …


Let go, be free…

The sound of the sea,  calls to me,  whispers in my ear,  come to me.  Let go, be free Let all your burdens sink down to the depths, Never again to ever be seen…  Don’t try to blend in or stand out,  and yet simultaneously, be both naturally. Allow yourself to be at ease in …


Kundalini Love…

Mystical trees,  flowing in the breeze,  Show me a piece of heaven,  Bring me to my knees Kiss me with satin light touch As we make love and cuddle up Whisper to me, Sweet memories and stories Sing to me, melodies of glory,  That ignite my bliss and my fire Passion dwells so deep, so …



God, soul, inner wisdom,  Grant me the determination and resilience to grow and expand in this difficult situation.  Enable me to see with eyes of hope and opportunity, to see the possibilities amongst the hardship.  Let this adversity lead me to higher ground, building strength, diligence, perseverance and fortitude to succeed more so than ever …


Forge your own way…

Forge your own way… Create your own path… Beautiful soul, express yourself with PASSION!! You are not lost, there are just a lot of visitors you do not recognize all around you, but you are still you, and there is still so much for you to learn and experience. Your soul and person are AMAZING! …


Like a Fine Wine…

The day is young, but the world is old. And I am young in spirit, yet an old soul… Endlessly curious and enchanted, but yearning for wisdom and insight, I search, and I discover new landscapes, within and outside of myself. They broaden my horizons, bringing wonder and awe… Like a clock that ticks continually, …